Thursday 26 April 2012


These are the images of my final pop up book :D 

these are images of my final pop up book ive made in graphics, im very happy with the way its turned out because all the pops work very well and all he colours came out very bright ad attractive. This books is perfect for a kids book.

Sunday 15 April 2012

production schedule

My production schedule is a list of things i did in the order i did them in, this shows how long it took me to do each thing and the time gap between each topic i worked on. 

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Embedded web tutorials

I added tutorials off youtube to my blog so that i would be able to get ideas for my pop up book.

Sunday 11 March 2012

research into type faces

I did this exercise to find suitable type faces for different subjects and themes, such as my pop up book where i found type faces that included stars and big bold letters so that it matched my theme better!

Saturday 11 February 2012

This is the dummy book i had made, with popsssssss :D yeey

this is what i have decided my final design will look like, i will also use these pops and hopefully make them look better too. 

Friday 13 January 2012